Information and pictures about the Mirny Mine in Russia - the worlds largest diamond mine
Category - Russian Places
Russia Population 2021/2022
The Russian government estimates that the population of Russia is 146,171,015. This includes the population of Crimea, which is disputed between Russia and Ukraine. Based on this, Russia is the 9th...
Is Siberia a country?
While the answer to this question may seem obvious to some, there are understandable reasons why it should be asked. Siberia is vast and accounts for around three quarters of Russias land surface but it is just a...
Where is Tajikistan?
Tajikistan is one of the more remote areas of the former Soviet Union and this mountainous land can be found located in central Asia. Outside of the country itself, little is known but in reality this is a fascinating...
Siberia Valley of Death
Siberia is such a vast and mysterious wasteland that is has been the scene of many myths and legends going right back through the centuries. The so called Siberia Valley of Death lies in a remote region known as Yakutia...
Why are Siberian Tigers endangered?
With no natural predators in its own habitat, the Siberian Tiger, like many animals on the endangered list has largely been put there by man. As either a direct or indirect consequence of mans actions, this magnificent...
Population density of Russia 2022
As the largest country in the world, it’s probably no surprise to learn that Russia also has one of the highest populations at the same time. However, it may be curious to learn that the population density of Russia is...
Where is Turkmenistan?
Turkmenistan is one of the more obscure countries that once formed the mighty Soviet Union. As a country, little is known of Turkmenistan beyond its borders and in the west, news reports have been largely confined to...
Is Ukraine part of Russia?
The histories of Russia and the Ukraine have been intertwined for so long and for many years, both found themselves under the same rule so perhaps it should be expected for anybody to ask is Ukraine part of Russia...
Where is Belarus
While many countries from the former Soviet Union have become more widely known to the outside world, others are still shrouded in mystery to some extent. Belarus is one of those countries that we know relatively little...