Russia is the largest country in the world by area, and the most populous country in Europe. After rebounding from the collapse of the Soviet Union, with its resurgent economy Russia has spent the last decade redefining...
Category - Russia Guide
Russian Flag
The Russian flag is a white, blue and red tricolour. The current version was formally adopted as the flag of Russia on 11 December 1993, but variants of the tricolor had been in use as the Russian state flag since the...
Kursk Disaster
The Kursk was one of Russia’s most advanced submarines so it was a shock as well as a complete tragedy when the vessel was shattered by an explosion that was to cost 118 lives. The events of that day, back in August...
Tunguska 1908
The Tunguska explosion in 1908 was shrouded in mystery and at the time, various theories were put forward as to what had happened. Now, over one hundred years later, scientists have narrowed down these theories to a...
Russian mafia history
It’s widely claimed in the international press that the Russian mafia has emerged over the course of the last ten years to become the most effective crime unit in the world. But who are they and what do we know of the...
Mongols in Russia
Perhaps more than any other country, Russia has a rich and fascinating history and this extends right back through the centuries. At one time, much of the country formed just part of the sprawling Mongol Empire and that...
Siberia Valley of Death
Siberia is such a vast and mysterious wasteland that is has been the scene of many myths and legends going right back through the centuries. The so called Siberia Valley of Death lies in a remote region known as Yakutia...
Satellite nations Cold War
The Cold War was so called because it thankfully didnt cross over into military conflict but those who lived through the times when tensions were at their highest will never forget the constant underlying threat. As...
Russian traditional food
While Russian citizens may have embraced many external culinary influences in the last twenty years, their traditional cuisine has happily endured. Centuries of history aren’t thrown away lightly and those who have...
Where is Tajikistan?
Tajikistan is one of the more remote areas of the former Soviet Union and this mountainous land can be found located in central Asia. Outside of the country itself, little is known but in reality this is a fascinating...