The Borei Submarine is the most up to date nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine in the Russian fleet. With work starting in 1996, the Borei has been introduced to replace a host of outdated vessels including the...
Category - Russia Guide
Are Russians Asian?
Russian people are a diverse ethnic mix and as such, it is no more correct to say that Russians are Asian than it is to say they are Caucasian or that they represent any other group. In fact, with over 143 million...
How tall is Vladimir Putin?
Like certain world leaders before him, it is alleged that Vladimir Putin has gone some way to disguising his true height. In fact, some areas of the worlds press are quite scathing in regards to the lengths that he...
Russia China Relations
As 2012 began, many experts suggest that relations between Russia and China are better now than at any stage throughout history. Naturally, it hasnt always been this way but at present, the two superpowers are working...
Siberia Valley of Death
Siberia is such a vast and mysterious wasteland that is has been the scene of many myths and legends going right back through the centuries. The so called Siberia Valley of Death lies in a remote region known as Yakutia...
Satellite nations Cold War
The Cold War was so called because it thankfully didnt cross over into military conflict but those who lived through the times when tensions were at their highest will never forget the constant underlying threat. As...
Russian traditional food
While Russian citizens may have embraced many external culinary influences in the last twenty years, their traditional cuisine has happily endured. Centuries of history aren’t thrown away lightly and those who have...
Where is Tajikistan?
Tajikistan is one of the more remote areas of the former Soviet Union and this mountainous land can be found located in central Asia. Outside of the country itself, little is known but in reality this is a fascinating...
vladivostok airlines
Those who have ever ventured into Russia by air are likely to have been transported by the country’s main carrier Aeroflot. In fact, it comes as a surprise to some outsiders that other Russian airlines even exist...
Winter Olympics 2014 Location
Back in 2007, the Russian city of Sochi was chosen to host the 2014 Winter Olympics. This was naturally great news for the campaigners who had seen Sochi narrowly defeat their closest rivals and the plans for this major...