Update: In my rush to get this published yesterday, I completely forgot to mention that Poemless has made a magnificent return to the European Tribune with this cracking roundup of observations about Russia. BTW – sorry about the bookmarks thing, Poemless!
Apologies for the lack of a blog roundup last week – life was a little hectic. To make up for it, here’s a bumper roundup of great Russia blog posts from the past fortnight.
- Mat Rodina writes of Russia’s Toilets – Our National Shame. If you read nothing else this week – read this. “Toilets, you see, say everything about the relationship of the people with themselves and others and what they expect from their governments and on how much the government cares about its people.”
- Continuing this theme, I’m sure you will all be thrilled to hear that La Russophobe has passed 1 million visitors.
- Recipe of the week is Golubtsy: “stands for meat (any meat) wrapped in a cabbage leaf and then stewed. Yummy!”
- My tribute to this week’s Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow – Every Russian Eurovision Video, Ever.
- Chris, from Two-Zero’s Diary has an article on CNN – Living Sex and the City in Moscow.
- The Expatresse has been visiting Belka and Strelka, the two Soviet cosmo-mutts that spent a day in space in 1960 (they’re now stuffed and on display in the space museum)
- What would happen if Eastern European countries had Facebook accounts?
- To celebrate it’s 100th issue, Russian Life has published the top 10 Russian novels, the top 10 Russian short stories, and the top 20 Russian films (interesting how many films there are from the 1970s – a golden age of Soviet cinema?)
- The Russian President casts his eye over the top Russian brides – those “whose most valuable dowry is important connections, in addition to financial assets and classy looks.”
- Russia Deputies trying to ban LOLSpeak (aka Oblanian)? Or, to put it another way – ‘Russian Deputies on fast track to looking stupid.’
- Kendrick White reports on his meeting with a spectacularly unambitious Russian businessman.
- Rick Docksai wonders whether any conflict in Georgia will spill over into Armenia and Azerbaijan.
- The Jamestown Foundation blog reports on NATO’s decision to expel two Russian diplomats.
- German MP Marieluise Beck attending the Khodorkovsky trail and wrote about her Impressions of a Show Trial. Robert Amsterdam has the English translation.
Finally, a little video to cheer you up, courtesy of the Russian President, who would like you remind you that his hero Vova Rules.
I’d like to offer you a few thoughts by way of feedback on your latest “Blog Roundup,” a noble effort undertaken by few other bloggers but which I feel could be vastly improved with a bit more attention to detail.
(1) It’s really a shame that not a single post you mention is a translation from Russian into English. My blog, just for instance, has published two such items in the fortnight you cover, and I think it’s beyond dispute that such efforts are the most important and valuable thing that English-language bloggers can do. Adding insult to injury, you find space for a German translation! Heres the link to my recent content (nearly two hundred others follow):
(2) Your toilet-like effort to imply that La Russophobe, the only Russia blog ever to have been cited by the New York Review of Books and listed by you yourself as one of the top five Russia blogs in existence, is a toilet ought to be beneath you. Its hypocritical, childish, offensive and pathetic. In light of my first point, its truly shameful and even more than that, bizarre.
(3) Your suggestion that its the Duma that is seeking to regulate Internet speech is laughable, and harmful in the sense that it distracts attention from the real offender. Everyone knows the Duma is just a rubber stamp, with no genuine opposition, and therefore that this is the Kremlins measure. The buck stops with Mr. Medvedev, so-called liberal.
(4) Dont know if you actually looked at the Russian Life piece or not, but they themselves back away from the novel designation and refer to works of fiction. Eugene Onegin is hardly a novel, other entries are dubious under that moniker. Whats more its not a true top ten list, since the entries are not ranked and since it only pertains to lesser known items, not the fully body of Russian work. Given the latter, they must be referring to translations (Onegin isnt lesser known in Russian), and thats just silly. Onegin is a pale shadow in English, not great.
(5) Excellent links to the Other Russia and Mat Rodina and Amsterdam pieces. I can only hope some actual Russians read your blog and will take note of these important and devastating comments on Russian society. You might consider doing a bit more to cover such issues outside the context of a roundup.
(6) Disappointing that you dont mention Russias barbaric parading of nuclear weapons and goose-stepping soldiers through Red Square or Medvedevs scary, crazy holy-Russian-empire rhetoric aimed at Georgia. Were you really unable to find any bloggers discussing this terrifying topic? If so you probably didnt look hard enough.
(7) Really, really disappointing that you couldnt find space to mention Paul Gobles new blog over at the Moscow Times. One post from Paul is worth all the others on your list combined.
Thanks for linking over, Andy – nice round up.
I love the Russian toilets piece … although I did not share the experience he describes. Try spending a long time in place like Delhi, where the city can’t get it together to pipe in running water to homes – instead they have to buy refills for the tanks. Russia’s infrastructure is lacking, dilapidated and deserving of criticism, but compared to many other countries they’ve got their s$# together. Somehow everything seems to work out there and go forward, despite the tremendous obstacles and incompetency of the bureaucracy.
James´s last blog post..Russian Pessimism
On the matter of translation, refer to the third item in 1343:
Several follow-up inquiries to multi-lingual observers of such matter resulted in no taking issue with the apparent discrepancy concerning what Chernomyrdin said relative to what was translated.
Does The Moscow Times have a blog offering a slant diferent from Paul Goble?
Re: Last set of comments
I should say third segment of 1343
Exactly, James.
It is frequently mentioned that Russia invests far too little in physical infrastructure, and I agree that this was a valid argument, at least until recently when it’s been stepped up.
But the point is that although much of it is dilapidated, unlike practically all developing nations Russia actually has an infrastructure inherited from Soviet times (as do all east-central European nations). As such the need to renew it is not anywhere near as urgent as the need to build it in Third World nations.
Sublime Oblivion´s last blog post..Victory Day Special: The Poisonous Myths of the Eastern Front
I appreciate honorary mentioning … Great round-up (as always).
Ceers, RP
Russian President (unofficially)´s last blog post..Beautiful Russian woman of the day: May 13, 2009
That was far too easy… 🙂