Siberian Light

Russian mafia history

It’s widely claimed in the international press that the Russian mafia has emerged over the course of the last ten years to become the most effective crime unit in the world. But who are they and what do we know of the...

Famous Communists

Since the birth of Communism, followers of the political ideal have often been found in the most unlikely of locations. While many famous communists lived and carried out their work in the former Soviet Union and other...

Tunguska 1908

The Tunguska explosion in 1908 was shrouded in mystery and at the time, various theories were put forward as to what had happened. Now, over one hundred years later, scientists have narrowed down these theories to a...

Kursk Disaster

The Kursk was one of Russia’s most advanced submarines so it was a shock as well as a complete tragedy when the vessel was shattered by an explosion that was to cost 118 lives. The events of that day, back in August...

Satellite nations Cold War

The Cold War was so called because it thankfully didn’t cross over into military conflict but those who lived through the times when tensions were at their highest will never forget the constant underlying threat. As...

Russia China Relations

As 2012 began, many experts suggest that relations between Russia and China are better now than at any stage throughout history. Naturally, it hasn’t always been this way but at present, the two superpowers are working...

How tall is Vladimir Putin?

Like certain world leaders before him, it is alleged that Vladimir Putin has gone some way to disguising his true height. In fact, some areas of the world’s press are quite scathing in regards to the lengths that he...

Are Russians Asian?

Russian people are a diverse ethnic mix and as such, it is no more correct to say that Russians are Asian than it is to say they are Caucasian or that they represent any other group. In fact, with over 143 million...

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