Siberian Light
Blog > Weekly Blog Roundup, Monday 17 January 2011

Weekly Blog Roundup, Monday 17 January 2011

The best of the past week’s Russia blog posts.

Russian invasion of Ukraine

Siberian Light opposes the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here to donate to the Red Cross Ukraine appeal.

As I’m sitting here on the train from Glasgow to London with my shiny new iPad in front of me, free wi-fi, and little else to occupy the next four and a half hours, I thought I would try a little experiment. So, welcome to the first ever post on Siberian Light written entirely on an iPad…

The big news of the last couple of days, of course, has been the BP-Rosneft deal which has seen BP take a hefty 9% stake in Rosneft and Rosneft, in turn, take a 5%stake in BP. As you can imagine, early reaction from Russia bloggers has been pretty mixed, although almost everyone is agreed that this deal is a pretty big gamble for BP.

  • First off the mark was Robert Amsterdam who, while not being surprised at the deal, went on to call it as a big (existential even) gamble for BP that could have an equally big (transformational) payoff. He then went on to note that, as with all gambles, the house always wins in the end…
  • The Streetwise Professor also goes with the gambling theme – “The company reminds me of a gambler who has lost several big hands in a row, and figures that his luck just has to change.”
  • Vadim Niktin sees this deal as a big win for Russia – because BP is reeling, Russia hold all the cards in this relationship.
  • Windows to Russia is perhaps the only blogger so far to see this as a win not just for Russia, but for BP too – because BP gains Russian protection from America.
  • And finally, Tim Newman, who has the benefit of actually having worked in the Russian oil industry looks at the potential benefits for both sides before concluding that the real loser in this deal is America, who lose a “reliable, politically safe energy provider”.

Moving on to other blog posts that caught my eye this week:

Well that’s it for another week. In case you’re wondering, the iPad experiment went fairly well. I’ve just gone past Carlisle as I type this, and the post is complete with the exception of editing in the links. Although I found it really easy to copy across the links from Reeder (my RSS feed reader of choice), creating hyperlinks in the WordPress app has proved such a royal pain that I’ve just added them in as plain text for now, ready to be edited into the post when I get back home to London.

1 comment

  • Just to let you know, I really do appreciate these Roundups – even if for now the comments are quiet. But I’m sure they’ll pick up within at least a few weeks!

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