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Blog > Video of Putin’s Olympic speech in English

Video of Putin’s Olympic speech in English

Russian invasion of Ukraine

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President Putin’s speech to the Olympic Committee in Guatemala is widely credited as being one of the key factors that tipped the Winter Olympic vote in Sochi’s favour.

And now, you can see the speech in its entirety (plus some dodgy introductory music), courtesy of Russia Today:

I have to say, I was very impressed by the way in which Putin delivered his speech in English.

Although Putin is known for his excellent language skills, as far as I know, he’s never given a speech in English before on the world stage. On the evidence of this speech, he should use English more when speaking to the press. It would do the power of good to Russia’s international image.


  • Well done Putin, didnt he speak well? Me and Vladimir, well, we’ve had our differences, but in fairness to him, he sounded very good. Just a thought – why not Putin in charge of the project when he steps down as President? He’d surely get the whole thing moving pretty quickly.

  • I’m not a fan of presidents having to resort to speaking in English, but I guess this is the world we are living in right now.

    Btw, this is so different from when Putin speaks German because German is not seen as a language of imperialism.

    I hope Ivanov wont speak English much if he’s the next one.

  • Colleen,
    Ivanov is compeletely fluent in english, and actually he sounds quite cool)

  • Favorite line:

    “Five minute walking distance.”

    “Not bad, really.”

    Tanya, my wife, found this line hysterical. A typical, whimsical kind of Russian line, I suppose.

  • “Five minute walking distance.”

    “Not bad, really.”

    Yeah, that was a classic. Its really the type of line you hear from ordinary Russians, every day of the week. Hilarious.

  • As for presentations of such scale (and importance) too many misspronunciations. I think his speech was written in russian spelling like in those bad conversation books for beginers who just getting strated to learn english. My personal favourite was Korea – very focussed and precise. To bad they lost it. Money rules the world. Indeed.

  • why not Putin in charge of the project when he steps down as President? He’d surely get the whole thing moving pretty quickly.

    Won’t he have enough on his plate with running Gazprom? There is big money to be made there. I’m sure he is ready for his slice of the pie. 😉

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