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Blog > Russian Radio Player Gadget on your Windows Vista Sidebar

Russian Radio Player Gadget on your Windows Vista Sidebar

Russian invasion of Ukraine

Siberian Light opposes the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here to donate to the Red Cross Ukraine appeal.

Those of you lucky enough to have upgraded to Windows Vista will have discovered the joys of Sidebar Gadgets by now.  But have you discovered the joys of Russian sidebar gadgets for Vista?? 

Russian Radio Sidebar Gadget for Windows VistaMy favourite so far has to be the Russian Radio Player gadget.  In its tiny widget like frame it manages to fit the live streams of 67 Russian radio stations catering for every taste – from ??? ?? (Hit FM) to ??? ?????? (Echo of Moscow). 

I have to confess – I’ve not spent the evening listening to the cultured words of ??? ??????, favouring instead the cheesy pop of  ?????? ????.

Rusisan Word a Day Sidebar Gadget for Windows VistaAlso worth checking out is the Russian Word a Day sidebar gadget, for those days when you’re too lazy to reach for inspiration in the dictionary.  Combine this with the Russian Radion Player, and you’re guaranteed to increase your vocabulary!

With all these new toys to play with, it may be some time before you see the next blog post…

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