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Blog > Russia blogs roundup

Russia blogs roundup

A roundup of whats been happening across the Russia blogs including: reactions to Russia’s Euro 2008 quarter finals victory, news of the eXile’s demise, and a well deserved award for a prominent blogger.

Russian invasion of Ukraine

Siberian Light opposes the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here to donate to the Red Cross Ukraine appeal.

Apologies for the lack of updates on Siberian Light over the past month or so – the day job has really been taking over my life. Things are a bit back to normal now, so should be getting back to a more regular posting schedule – starting with this roundup of what’s been happening in the Russian blogosphere (be warned – it’s a bit of an epic roundup).

New author at Siberian Light

Siberian Light has been joined by Anna Ershova, a fantastic new author who normally blogs over at Anna’s Out of Town News. If you haven’t already, go and read her first post about Russian Women Entrepreneurs immediately!

Russia storm through to Euro 2008 Semi FInals

The biggest story this week has to be Russia’s advance to the semi-finals of the Euro 2008 tournament.� I was away for the weekend, so managed to miss the game, but plenty of other Russia bloggers were watching.� Perhaps the best roundup comes from Neeka over at Global Voices. But I’d also recommend checking out the following coverage.

Also worth a read are two articles which draw a comparison between Peter I’s trendsetting decision to import foreign talent and the Russian football team’s decision to hire a top notch foreign coach in Gus Hiddink – Mike Averko writes at Russia Blog, and there’s more at the Foreign Policy Association (of all places).

An end to eXile?

The other big story over the past few weeks has to be the news of satirical paper The eXile’s almost certain untimely demise after it underwent an ‘editorial audit’ by the Russian authorities. Sean’s Russia Blog, in particular, has been covering the eXile story extensively.� As has Poemless at European Tribune who is possibly the only person in the world to have been introduced to the eXile by his her mother.

More at:

Two new blogs

Two new blogs that have come to my attention recently are Far From Moscow, an excellent Russian music blog by UCLA Slavic Professor David MacFadyen, and Baikal Club International which is, as far as I know, the world’s only blog dedicated to the world’s best lake.

I’ve not been keeping properly up to date with new blogs recently, though, so if you know of any I’ve missed, please leave a quick comment below.

Blog Roundup

OK, so on to the main reason for this post – a roundup of the best posts from around the Russia blogs over the past month or so.� First up, lets deal with a few people who have finally found true fame.

Now onto the boring stuff.

And, finally, best wishes to Paul Goble who underwent heart surgery over the weekend.


  • Oh dear, I’m going to have to go off and get a little blog of my very own if I ever want to make your list-o-fabulousness, aren’t I? I mean, that has to be the reason my own brilliant coverage of the eXile fiasco was not mentioned! Uhm, ok, I don’t write for a “Russia blog” exactly. Nor is it new. But you’re bound to find something about Russia at the European Tribune on a regular basis, and not just from me, but also from Jerome Guillet, an actual real-life expert in Russian energy policy. But my stuff is much funnier.

    Well, I’ve no plans for a personal blog in the near future, so I’ll have to resign myself to a life without international stardom. I’ll go on. Somehow… sniff…

    Oh, and glad you’re back. 🙂

  • Apologies Poemless. I must confess I managed to completely miss your excellent coverage. I do try to keep up, and I do follow all the blogs dedicated solely to Russia. But sometimes (actually, usually) I miss loads of good stuff that is on blogs with a wider topic.

    The best bet if you don’t write a blog about just Russia, is to send me a quick email if you’ve written something good – and to facilitate this, I’ve finally fixed this blog’s contact form!

    Anyway, I’ve amended the roundup above – hope you like the link. 🙂

  • LOL!

    *HER* mother. I’m a she. How could anyone miss that? 😉

    Boy, if I knew obnoxious grovelling and guilt-tripping worked so well I would have employed these tools earlier! hahaha. Well, thanks for adding me to your list. I really do appreciate it.

  • Ahem – sorry Poemless. Fixed now.

    And, yes, grovelling is definitely the way to go. I’m surprised its taken you so long to figure it out!

  • Thanks again, Andy. And congratulations oto your new hire, Anna. It’s always nice to see more (saner) women on the scene.

  • Yeah, there’s something about Cialis that makes men extra friendly…

    I dunno. Turn my back for one moment, and the spammers manage to sneak in. Anyway, the comment’s gone now.

  • Hey, I’m so offended that I was included in ‘boring stuff’. (I’m the Josefina of “Josefina considers the language of Russian blogging”). I’m so not boring! Though that post may have been, I guess I should give in…

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