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Blog > Russia Blog Roundup – 3 June

Russia Blog Roundup – 3 June

A roundup of the last week’s best posts from around the Russia blogs.

Russian invasion of Ukraine

Siberian Light opposes the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here to donate to the Red Cross Ukraine appeal.

You know, when I sat down to write this week’s roundup, I thought to myself – “it’s been a quiet week, there won’t be all that much to cover.”

I was wrong.

And, finally, a video for your enjoyment.  And, if you happen to not like Britain, you’ll love “Ya zhivu v Rossii!” (I live in Russia!) even more…

Head over to News from the Eastern for an English translation.


  • ANDY:

    It would be nice if you gave your lay readers a bit of context. Since you haven’t, I will.

    The visit to the dentist you linked to cost $90. The average Russian earns $3/hour, so that visit cost 30 hours’ worth of wages. Even at the minimum wage in the U.S. of $7/hour, which is far below average, that would put the visit at $210 in American cost, a frightening expense for a minimum-wage worker just to have a cavity filled. But the average wage in the USA is $20/hour, meaning that this is the same as an American paying $600 to have a cavity filled. It’s not something, to say the least, that most Americans are likely to do.

    And if you visit a dentist who charges prices Russians can actually afford, you have a slightly different experience. You may not ever have done so, which would explain why you might have trouble picking up on this issue. Not that it’s all the dentists’ fault, of course. Given the puny wages they work for and the shoddy quality of their education, it isn’t surprising

    La Russophobe´s last blog post..June 5, 2009 — Contents

  • ANDY:

    “Once more, Russia says “no” to Western Perversion. I’ve read this a couple of times now, and still can’t tell if the author of Mat Rodina is serious, or if this is a piss-take. Answers on a postcard, please.”

    I’ve read your comment about this appalling, barbaric blog post a couple of times now and still can’t tell if it (your comment, not the blog post) is serious or if it is a piss-take. Anyone glancing at the horrific stream of fascist comments in support of crushing homosexual rights in Russia that appear with the post can tell that it is absolutely serious, and your failure to issue a clear condemnation is reprehensible. It’s nothing to joke about, even if it were a joke! A person of good conscience can’t simply link to unspeakable filth of this kind and say “make of it what you will.” You’re doing a great service by highlighting the obscene garbage being churned out by the crazed Russian nationalists (this is a guy whose work has appeared in the Russian mainstream “press”), but you cannot simply stand on the sidelines.

    Can’t help but wonder whether any of your Russophile readers will forward to condemn this apelike assault on civilization. They didn’t the last time you pointed out a similarly outrageous assault. Seems they’re all of one mind, and why shouldn’t they be if the Kremlin is too.

    La Russophobe´s last blog post..June 5, 2009 — Contents

  • Oh, don’t worry. If it’s a serious post, I have absolutely no problem condemning it.

    Russia’s record on gay rights is – to alliteratively understate – nothing to write home about. The bigoted reactions of people like Mayor Luzhkov appall me, personally.

    It was only 10 years ago that homosexuality was officially classified a mental illness, so in one respect, it’s not all that surprising that prejudice remains ingrained in many Russian people. It takes stupid people a long time to die.

    Attitudes towards homosexuality are changing in Russia, but at a glacial pace. We should welcome those changes, even though it’s not much consolation to people who fear the consequences of being outed, or of being openly gay.

  • “A person of good conscience can’t simply link to unspeakable filth of this kind and say “make of it what you will.” You’re doing a great service by highlighting the obscene garbage being churned out by the crazed Russian nationalists (this is a guy whose work has appeared in the Russian mainstream “press”), but you cannot simply stand on the sidelines.”

    By the way – I (as a person of good conscience) definitely can point readers at things that I consider to be filth and say “make of it what you will.” I believe that people who read this blog are smart enough to make up their own minds as to the quality, or otherwise, of an article.

    Take your good self, for example – you came to your conclusions about the Mat Rodina article entirely without prompting from me…

  • It has been communicated that the piece in question was positively and uncritically read on Rush Limbaugh’s and Michael Savage’s talk radio shows. For those unfamiliar with those two, they’re two prominent right of center hosts in the US. Not so along ago, an elected American politician referred to Congressman Barney Frank as Barney Fruit. In the US, much of the population at large has moved away from ethno-religious intolerance, while arguably not seeming to show the same advancement on the topic of gays.

    Hence, the matter of insensitivity on that subject is by no means restricted to the “backwards” and “evil” Russians.

    Andy, your comments on this matter are respectable given your all around take. The same can’t be said of some others, who’ve a bigoted agenda (as in selectively and hypocritically targetting Russians in general).

    The author of the discussed blog post has some rather old school ways of looking at things, which aren’t exclusively Russian. This explains how he’s positively and uncritically cited by a number of non-Russians. If I correctly read him, he doesn’t believe in the collective hate of others, while expressing non-sympathy for certain acts.

    Regarding his article, it’s IMO off to exclusively blame the West for “perversions” (whether real, imagined, or a matter of opinion) elsewhere – a point relating to how the collective stereotyping of societies has limits.


  • Andy

    I know you link that blog at your page to the right.

    Here it is as well:

    On the matter of intolerance, it’s wrong to single that site out unlike….

    At the above linked site, one can find some decently principled views as well.

    Unlike some others, the individual involved with that site seems willing to carry on a civil enough discussion (I’m still in the process of acquainting myself with his views).

    Progress is often made thru such an exchange.


  • Strange how the truth about Russia brings out the naysayers of Russia!

    Thanks for the link…


    Kyle´s last blog post..In Moscow, Russia Tornadoes are Rare! (Lets Keep Them That Way.)

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