Things have been pretty quiet the past week or so on the Russia blog front. Is everyone outside enjoying the cooler, fresher Moscow?
- A Good Treaty translates “Oleg Kashin’s ‘A Translation from Prussian'”, an analysis of the recent change of Governor in Kaliningrad.
- David Roberts asks the 200 Rouble Question – Why is it «двести» and not «дваста»?
- Medvedev meets Bono, but Putin goes whale hunting and upstages them both. Coupled with the revelations that Putin’s staff earn more than Medvedev’s staff, it’s clear who’s the boss!
- Robert Amsterdam reports on the on the Thai government’s involvement in the extradition of arms dealer Victor Bout.
- Mat Rodina has a quick roll call of the countries that offered supported Russia in its recent fire-fighting efforts. Also check out his post highlighting the Generous Hearts charity, which is fund raising to buy school supplies for children affected by the fires.
- The latest on the political fallout of the Chechen rebel leader’s (non) resignation, over at In Moscow’s Shadows.
- Last week I daftly accused Poemless of writing a roundup post. I was lying. This is her official Odds and Ends roundup post. Also check out these stunning photos from several eras.
And, finally, congratulations to Eileen, the bionic woman!
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