Siberian Light
Blog > Russia Blog Roundup – 19 August 2010

Russia Blog Roundup – 19 August 2010

Russian invasion of Ukraine

Siberian Light opposes the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here to donate to the Red Cross Ukraine appeal.

It’s still hot in Russia, but it seems like the flames are mercifully dying down. I’m not going to cover the fires in detail because Global Voices have done it brilliantly already with their roundup – Anglophone Bloggers Discuss Social and Political Aspects of the Wildfires.

Instead, I’m going to take you on a quick tour around this week’s best blog posts about Russia.  Starting with…

Finally, today Russia bloggers have all gone a bit gooey-eyed over the 50th anniversary of Belka and Strelka, the first dogs to make it up into space and (unlike poor Laika) back again in one piece.  You can read more at Windows to Russia, From Russia with Love, and Russian Kafe

Did you know that two rats and forty mice also travelled with Belka and Strelka? They got back safely too, but no-one remembers their names…


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