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Blog > Putin goes topless on holiday – again

Putin goes topless on holiday – again

Putin goes on holiday, and gets his top off for the ladies… again.

Russian invasion of Ukraine

Siberian Light opposes the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here to donate to the Red Cross Ukraine appeal.

Every day this week, a couple of hundred extra visitors from Google Image Search have been popping into Siberian Light, to visit this post: Japanese vote Putin world’s fifth sexiest politician.

I was a bit baffled by this surge in visitors wanting to ogle Putin’s Prime Ministerial Pecs, until I realized that it was August again – which means that it’s holiday time for Putin.

Which, naturally also means more pictures of Putin topless. Anyway, not wishing to disappoint anyone, here are Putin’s latest pics, from his visit to Tuva.


Putin gets his kit off and gets ready to mount his horse.


A topless Putin riding his horse.


A refreshing swim. Note that Putin is still wearing his watch, which raises the question – is Putin swimming in his trousers and boots as well?


Putin puts his cloths back on, for a spot of modeling.


And, finally, time for tea. The thing I love, really love, about Russia’s Prime Minister is that, when he goes up country for an outdoor adventue, he brings the best china. Now that’s a real man.

All pictures courtesy of the Russian Prime Minister’s official website.


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