Siberian Light
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Russian invasion of Ukraine

Siberian Light opposes the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here to donate to the Red Cross Ukraine appeal. is a new social networking site for expats in Russia. - Russian Social Network is a pretty new site, but it’s membership looks to be growing rapidly. If it continues to grow at this pace, it could turn into something really useful to those living and doing business in Russia – and particularly in Moscow, where the bulk of members seem to be based at the moment – giving one more opportunity to network with expatriates and Russians alike.

I thought readers of Siberian Light might be interested to hear a bit more about the site, so I contacted Dmitry, the owner and manager of to ask him a few questions:

Hi Dmitry – could you tell me a little about is the first social network for expatriates in Russia offering articles and information.

What are the main benefits of joining?

By joining you will find like-minded people who interested in networking, communicating and establishing contacts in Russia.

In addition to our social network we offer: forum, chat and blog services. It is also possible to display your ads and articles.

Also I would like to add, that I am absolutely free for discussion with community members – some of them have already asked me for the help (business negotiations, consulting, etc.).

I am trying to provide maximum help and support for members.

What inspired you to develop

During my studies abroad many people asked me a lot of questions about Russia. I decided to create a community where all people will find the answers to their questions about Russia and where they can talk and discuss issues related to Russia.

We have a service called “Ask the Community” – using this service you can ask any question of our community.

What other plans do you have for now that it’s up and running? Any new features in the pipeline?

For the long run I plan to change the social network interface to the new one.

Is there anything else you’d like to tell readers of Siberian Light?

Our social network is open for all people, who have the main interest – Russia. Please feel free to visit and sign up for a free account.


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