The last few weeks have seen another bout of navel gazing among Russia bloggers. Following Anatoly Karlin’s mini update of his top ten Russia blogs, the Kremlin Stooge has compiled a list of the most visited Russia blogs from his blogroll, which gives an interesting insight into which blogs people are clicking through to actually visit. Continuing the navel gazing theme, A Good Treaty, reports on a “profoundly boring” discussion of the Russian Blogosphere, held in DC, and Global Voices followed it up by interviewing Alexey Navalny, who “participated in the presentation of the ‘Mapping the Russian Blogosphere’ report.”
Here at Siberian Light, we love a bit of navel gazing (hypnotised by the blue fluff, probably), so here’s this week’s list of top posts from around the Russia blogs. Which one’s your favourite?
- The really big question on everyone’s lips this week was – who gave Putin a black eye? Miriam Elder notes that Putin’s daughter allegedly announced her engagement this week (to the son of a Korean admiral, no less), and wondered if the upcoming marriage caused a brawl of some kind.
- Anatoly posts a humorous, and very likely to come true, prediction – Exiled Russian Dissident Yury Luzhkov Condemns Putin’s Corrupt, Stalinist Regime
- A great interactive map of the Quality of Life in Russian regions, by Russian Sphinx
- In a very brief post, Otto wonders if one of the main reasons for the deportations of ethnic minorities in the Soviet Union was that the Soviet government had difficulty asserting economic control over them.
- Eugene Ivanov wonders if a Republican victory in the mid-term election will chill US-Russian relations.
- Aleksei Popogrebsky’s How I Ended This Summer has won the best film prize at this year’s London Film Festival.
- Some Russian online activism success stories over at Global Voices.
- Mark has an attack of Russian Conspiracy-Theorism while discussing Semyon Mogilevich
- Patrick Armstrong’s Rusian Federation Weekly Sitrep remains as good a read as ever.
- Robert Amsterdam posts a video of Alexander Lebedev (the Russian newspaper magnate taking on the UK media market) pontificating on Russian values.
- Pavel Podvig, at the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces blog, writes about NATO and the future of missile defense in Europe
And finally, on this holiday weekend, a guide to Halloween in Russia.