Siberian Light
Blog > Weekly News #8

Weekly News #8

Russian invasion of Ukraine

Siberian Light opposes the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here to donate to the Red Cross Ukraine appeal.

This edition of the weekly news is dedicated to Rebecca, my lovely but long-suffering girlfriend, who celebrated her birthday yesterday.


Foreign Affairs

  • New US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says that, although the US has concerns about the state of democracy in Russia, she does not consider it helpful to isolate "Russia from the broader trends that are developing worldwide".  This should mean that Russia’s bid for WTO membership stays on track.
  • Mikhail Krotov, the Secretary-General of the CIS, has told the EU that it should see Russia as a "big Norway".  No, I don’t see the similarity either.
  • Over 100 passengers and four Russian crew died when an Afghan airliner crashed in Pakistan on Friday.


And finally…

  • David McDuff has written a fascinating series about his experiences as an exchange student in 1960s Moscow.  The first installment is here, and the final installment, complete with index, is here.

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