Siberian Light
Blog > Russia Blog Roundup – 24 October

Russia Blog Roundup – 24 October

Russian invasion of Ukraine

Siberian Light opposes the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here to donate to the Red Cross Ukraine appeal.

Since the summer I’ve been putting together roundups of my the most interesting blog posts I’ve read about Russia in the previous month. But, the problem with monthly roundups is that there are hundreds of posts about Russia published every month – probably thousands. The end result? A roundup post that is too long to read properly, in which all the best posts still get hidden.

So, to better highlight the best blog posts about Russia, I’m going to write a weekly roundup post from now on. Here’s the first set of links…

Finally, before I go, I wanted to point out a couple of additions to Siberian Light that you might find useful.

At the bottom of the sidebar is a section called ‘Good Reads’.  If you can’t wait for the weekly roundup of Russia blog posts, take a look there instead – it updates every time I highlight and share an item in my RSS reader.

And, at the bottom of each post, I’ve added a small What’s Next section.  As well as letting you know about other related posts you might be interested in, it has a few social media buttons.  If you enjoy what you read at Siberian Light, and think it’s worth of sharing with others, I’d really appreciate the occasional vote on Digg or Stumble Upon.

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