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Blog > Putin gets a Tiger for his Birthday

Putin gets a Tiger for his Birthday

Russian invasion of Ukraine

Siberian Light opposes the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here to donate to the Red Cross Ukraine appeal.

Sometimes I think I’ve seen every bonkers story Russia has to throw at me.  Then I find out that someone has given Vladimir Putin a tiger cub for his 56th birthday.

Old softie that Putin is, the tiger cub will be called Mashenka – “Sweetie”. 

Disappointingly though, rather than keeping the tiger in his office to frighten little Dmitry Medvedev, Putin plans to send Mashenka to a zoo.

The question now arises, is there any other world leader who can possibly compete with Putin for the title of world’s manliest leader?  Seriously – who can top a man who:

  • Goes fishing with his top off
  • Saves the lives of his camera crew by shooting a tiger
  • Releases his own Judo training video

No-one. That’s who.

1 comment

  • I asked Vladimir Vladimirovich not to take the little tiger (well, those little tigers sooner or later become big tigers) to our office, because of my (made-up) allergies. Okay, I admit, I’m afraid of the little beast!

    Dmitry Mdevedev´s last blog post..Russian Army Knife

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