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Blog > Russian Eurovision – Mamo song creates controversy

Russian Eurovision – Mamo song creates controversy

Russian invasion of Ukraine

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In a move sure to delight conspiracy theorists and bloggers everywhere, Mamu by Anastasia Prikhodko was picked to represent Russia at this year’s Eurovision.

The controversy?  Well, Prikhodko is Ukrainian, and Mamo is sung partly in Russian and partly in – gasp – Ukrainian. Oh yes, and Prikhodko only entered the Russian qualification contest after she’d been kicked out of the Ukrainian qualification contest.

The biggest complaints about Prikhodko’s victory came, not too surprisingly, from Yusif Prigozhin the husband of the singer who finished second.

“It’s a disgrace… A song performed in Ukrainian can’t have anything to do with Russia.”

Given that his wife’s song (along with most of the other contestants’) was sung in English, so I’m not entirely sure how he came to this conculsion.

Anyways, personally I think it’s a bit of a coup for Russia.  They not only get to put one over arch enemies Georgia, who have entered a grumpy song about how they don’t like Putin – they get to claim that in Russia, music is all about peace and goodwill between neighbours.  Oh, and that they like Ukrainians, really.

And, actually, I think the song’s ok – it’s not great, but Russia certainly won’t be disgraced in May.

PS – you can see the full history of Russia’s Eurovision experience here – Every Russian Eurovision VIdeo, Ever.


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