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Blog > India and Russia to co-operate in developing next-gen MiG?

India and Russia to co-operate in developing next-gen MiG?

Russian invasion of Ukraine

Siberian Light opposes the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here to donate to the Red Cross Ukraine appeal.

MiGWinds of Change reports that Russia and India are considering whether to build the next-generation MiG together.

From India’s point of view, a firm development agreement that helps finance Russia’s next-generation plane is one way to restrict Russian cooperation with China along similar lines.

Winds of Change goes on to report that India’s current fourth generation fighters are more than a match for most of their regional rivals’ air forces.


  • A decent film Charles but deeply flawed. As well as outrageous cliche, the fight in the Moscow metro toilet couldnt have happened – cos the metro doesnt have any public toilets! Still though, the plane was super-cool. And that fight in the metro was a fine scrap.

  • As well as outrageous cliche, the fight in the Moscow metro toilet couldnt have happened – cos the metro doesnt have any public toilets!

    No public toilets in Moscow’s metro ? Well, I don’t dare to ask what travellers do there when being in a state of emergency.

  • Not that difficult, actually. The Metro is very fast, takes at most ten minutes to get from one entrance to the next exit (with train ride in between), at which point you do it the Russian (men’s) way.

    Best way to survive, however, is to plan ahead and visit that WC of your’s before you leave home 😉 Or you remember where the next McDonald’s is.

    What’s really tough is if you have to take the Elektrichka — no toilets in THEM, and they are a LOT slower than the Metro. HOWEVER, they DO have double-doored passes between the cars, so… again, there is a (men’s) way of doing things.

    Women in Russia simply have to plan ahead much, much better….

    har har.

    Reluctant Muscovite

  • Reluctant Moscovite has it spot on. Plan ahead!) Its actually not nearly as bad as it sounds Heribert. Its just a bad idea to drink 14 pints of beer then embark on a cross town journey! Its a funny thing, but it doesnt really..dawn on you to want to go while your on the metro. Its like your system switches off.

  • Ger, RM, thanks for the insightful remarks on the Muskovite public transportation. I will have to note down to bring an empty 20 ltr fuel canister with me, should I ever feel the wish or need to use the Moscow metro. It will look a little bizarre though, so maybe I will have to bring an oily overall as well to convincingly pretend being a truckdriver who ran out of fuel.

  • Sadly, I have to report that the situation in Washington, DC, is no better than in Moscow. No restrooms in the metro, or at least none that are practically accessible to riders. And the trains in DC don’t come nearly as frequently as in Moscow.

  • The overalls might give you away Heribert!)) As RM said ”do your business before you travel”)
    The metro is marvellous though. I’ve been here for years now and I still love it. Muscovites think I’m mad when I tell them this, they are just used to it. But it’s a fantastic work of civil engineering and a sight to see all on its own. And everywhere you look there are beautiful women – its a great way to get to work, with a blonde in tight leather pants on your left and a brunette in a miniskirt on your right! The only downside is the crowding at busy times and the sickly sweet smell of vodka hangover, which is overpowering on monday mornings!

    Lyndon -sorry to hear about Washington. Hope you havent had any ’emergencies’ there!)

  • As RM said ”do your business before you travel”

    Not everything goes as planned 🙁

    And everywhere you look there are beautiful women – its a great way to get to work, with a blonde in tight leather pants on your left and a brunette in a miniskirt on your right!

    Not that it would happen to me, as I am a loyal husband and too old to attract ladies of the kind you describe, but couldn’t exactly such co-travellers cause an emergency that would make feel the need to find a public toilet really quickly 😉 ?

  • ))) Well observed Heribert! I’m married too so sadly such are allurements are beyond me anyway ) But these women are just fellow travellers -there are gorgeous women everywhere in Moscow and it just makes life in difficult Moscow much more pleasant!) To be honest, whilst I may feel the need for such an ’emergency’, most such women sadly wouldnt feel the same about me, being a grumpy Paddy! Actually I think a lot of LR’s furious anti-Russian women rants are petty jealousy. Her stuff on Sharapova(who is a beauty, but she’s not very special by Russian standards)are simply hysterical. As an englishman I know says Russian women are ”like Rolls Royce cars and cigarettes. They need no advertisement”

  • Ger, in general, don’t you find Slavic women to be hot?

    On subway system bathrooms, NYC isn’t any better. Put it this way, I don’t know of any rest rooms with the exception of stops by other train stations which are next to as opposed to a part of the NYC subway line.

  • Mike,

    Russian women are TOO hot. In fact, they’re so hot, they’re SMOKIN! Irish women are crackers too(I love em) but the thing about Russian women is the sheer volume of beauties and that they have such a high percentage of women that are gorgeous. Any trip outdoors in Moscow will confirm this. They’re just everywhere. Its easy to see why LR gets so upset over them. And Russian women make a point of looking good all the time. They wont leave the house unless they’re in 100% hot condition. Which means delays waiting for them! They’re unbelievably feminine too and very soft hearted and one of their most endearing qualities is how nice they are – even when seriously good looking, they’re polite and not aloof at all.
    Western female expats here are just blown away by them. I feel sorry for them, marooned here in the land of pretty babes.

  • Ger:

    The other week I was at a fundraising party in NYC for an ROC event. Regardless of their age, the Russian women present were all hot.

    My general experience has been the same with other Slavic women.

  • ”like Rolls Royce cars and cigarettes.

    What? you mean they’re overpriced and give you fatal diseases?

    (Sorry. Cheap gag, but I couldn’t resist. I’m in no way implying that all Russian women are diseased whores.)

    Actually I think a lot of LR’s furious anti-Russian women rants are petty jealousy.

    Possibly, but I suspect that they might also be a somewhat disproportionate reaction to the attitude of many commentors like yourself and those lovely chaps at the eXile, that women of any nationality are there to be objectified and drooled over, bought and sold like potatoes. The Russophile Blogosphere is a fairly phallocentric place, and a fair proportion of time is spent discussing the merits of the Russian babe. A lot of La R’s rage is directed against unthinking russophilia, and this particular genre of rant is probably a subsection of that.

    I also think women reading posts extolling the joys of russian women may get instinctively irritated, not because they are jealous as you assume, but because it’s so disappointing and frustrating to be reminded that there are still men out there who think this way.

    But then, I guess our Russian sisters are doing us all a big favour – as long as the neanderthals are chasing them, they’re not bothering the rest of us!

  • But then, I guess our Russian sisters are doing us all a big favour – as long as the neanderthals are chasing them, they’re not bothering the rest of us!

    Sorry to disappoint you Rebecca, but all of the “Neandertaler” are presently busy. The are running a “Stone Age Workshop” and are not available for any “chasing” at the moment.

    I have no idea whether homosexuality was a topic for some of the “Neandertaler”. Maybe, maybe not. I also can impossibly know whether the boys at “La Russophobe are into homosexuality or not. But them being upset about “Neandertaler” chasing women would be an indicator, wouldn’t it ? Latent jealousy on Russian women? This would explain all these rantings regarding Ms Sharapova ;-).

    Rebecca, should you be interested in the “Neandertalers”, I could go to the museum and do some research for you. The Neandertal is only some 20 km away from Düsseldorf, the town where I live.

  • Actually, now I have got to disagree with most of you. While I agree that there are a number of very beautiful Russian women, I do not agree they are more beautiful than North Americans. Having lived in both North America and Russia for quite some time, I think North American women are on average better looking — which is probably due to their much greater degree of genetic mixing. And, please do not reply with “they are all fat” — not true.

    I propose the following test: compare actresses in Russian movies (or European movies in general) to those in American movies. The latter are, on average, more attractive. Whether they are better actresses — I am not sure. But, we are not talking about brains here, simply about physical good looks.

    What Russian women DO have that many North American women don’t is the tendency to dress very feminine in a conventional sense. They are, I dare say, more enthralling and largely more interesting. And they can cook better.

    Russian women are more well-rounded that way; they dress nicer, they are more inclined to act feminine, and they are still versed in the traditional feminine skills — more so than north American Women.

    Big draw-back of Russian women: they have very, very, old-fashioned dating habits, as in: the guy has to pay for everything. Highly upsetting for somebody who has been spoiled by North American women’s habit to go ‘dutch’.:)

  • I propose the following test: compare actresses in Russian movies (or European movies in general) to those in American movies. The latter are, on average, more attractive.

    One could raise the argument that plastic (cosmetic) surgery is far more common with North American actresses than with European / Eurasian 😉 .

    I stopped dating for a long time already. So I can’t comment on modern female dating habbits, neither in Eurasia nor in North America.

  • the boys at La Russophobe

    I just figured that seeing as she insists she’s a she, I’d believe her just this once – especially as I haven’t seen any evidence to the contrary!

    Actually, yes I am interested in the Neanderthals – my first degree was in Ancient History, and I took some Archaeology courses, so they’re right up my street!

  • Russian women are more well-rounded that way; they dress nicer, they are more inclined to act feminine, and they are still versed in the traditional feminine skills — more so than north American Women.

    Ok. Not to sound too much like Germaine Greer here, but surely how females behave is by definition feminine?! The frilly-skirt-wearing, pie-baking rubbish is really just a construct of an increasingly outmoded patriarchal social model. Ergo, finding ‘feminine’ women better than ‘non feminine’ ones, just indicates a desire on the part of the male to return to the discriminatory socio sexual models that America and much of western europe have by and large begun to abandon. I’m off to burn my bra now.

  • I just figured that seeing as she insists she’s a she, I’d believe her just this once – especially as I haven’t seen any evidence to the contrary!

    So I simply have to vigoursly insist in being Roman Abramovich, especially as you haven’t any evidence to the contrary, and you will believe me being him ? 😉

  • Roman Abramovich comments on Siberian Light? Wow. Made the big time now.

    Andy, I am not Roman Abramovich. I am only the guy who tought him

    a) how to make mony
    b) how to keep it
    c) how to stay Vladimir Putin’s friend.

    Should I have disappointed you, I sincerely apologize 😉 .

  • Oh Dear Me, I put my head down at work or a few hours and come back and look at all the grief!

    Rebecca, my comments were not in any way meant as sexist or viewing women as objects. Your reading far more into them that they are worth! No one waants women back in the kitchen making pies or such nonsense! Not at all. You mistake admiration with smuttiness. There’s absolutely nothing wrong stating a fact – and it is a fact -that Russian women are gorgeous. I didnt say a single dirty or smutty thing above. Thats hardly phallocentric. And saying I’m like the exile is ridiculous, I made no rude comments.
    As for being feminine, what I meant by that is they tend not to have beer bellies, wear huge unslightly knickers and shout and scream at football matches, amoung other things!) As a building engineer I know used to say
    ”its funny, but the women who complain about builders whistling at women are the ones who never get whilstled at”
    Your retort re Rolls Royce and ciggies was a beauty and I’m picking the ball out of the net after that one, it was good)) If you ever visit Moscow, arriving at Shermetyevo 2 your passport will be checked by invariably good-looking women in a tiny minskirts and military epaulettes. Nothing says ”Welcome to Russia” better!

    RM -i wouldnt for one second say that North American women are substandard. I’ve only spent about 2 months in the US in total but the women there are fantastic as well. Certainly there are more overweight women per head than in Russia but there are beauties as well. It is a fallacy to say that the US is filled with fat women, I know it isnt true. Beyonce Knowles is a match for anyone produced by Russia or anywhere else for that matter.

    Mike -I’ve no doubt thats the case. Mate of my mine says the Czechs and Hungarians are astounding women altogether. I’ve no reason to doubt his competence!

  • Speaking as a not entirely impartial observer, I can personally vouch for the fact that Rebecca gets more than the odd wolf-whistle… 😉

  • What’s she complaining about so!!)) Actually her name is very sexy. Its not common at all at home in Ireland and would raise eyebrows) And she gave me a kiss on another post!)

  • Andy & for that matter Rebecca & Co:

    If you don’t mind my asking and so that some others and myself are up to snuff, are we talking about the famous Rebecca from GV?


    I left a message on your new blog, which is on a great theme.

  • Mike,

    thanks for the kind words and leaving a message! The blog is a bit amateur so far but it’ll improve. Who is Rebecca from GV?


  • I just figured that seeing as she insists she’s a she, I’d believe her just this once – especially as I haven’t seen any evidence to the contrary!

    You are of course completely right Heribert, but I clearly left my suspicious shoes at home yesterday! 🙂

  • You are of course completely right Heribert, but I clearly left my suspicious shoes at home yesterday!

    It really isn’t that important whether the “Fabulous ‘La Russophobe’ Boys” are partly a ‘Girl Group’ or not. 🙂

    So please don’t worry, nobody is perfect, look at Roma 😉

  • Jeez Ger.

    She’s not even your preferred Russian, but your kin or close to it (forgive me for not offhand knowing how the “Mc” and “Mac” work vis-a-vis the Scots and Irish).

    Is anyone familiar with the 19 eighties produced movie “The Man Who Loved Women” starring Burt Reynolds?

    I say we do a remake with Ger in the lead role.

  • Mike,

    your’re totally spot on. I absolutely adore women) Who doesnt?) In fairness Fedorova is very special- a really succesful person and gorgeous. The programme she presents is just a total Russian legend.
    Irish names are so anglicised now even the Irish often dont use Mac/Mc properly. In irish translations of our anglicised names, ‘Mac’ is generally used, but the anglicised ones use Mc!. For example, Patrick McMahon in Irish is Padraig MacMathuna.
    Where does your surname come from Mike? Its sounds Slavic to my ears.

  • Over the course of time, people have ****** with my family surname.

    In Lietuva (Lithuania), it has been written as “Averkas”. In Imperial Russian times and thereafter “Averkov”. Another derivative is “Averkochuk”.

    I know a patriotic Russian editor by the last name of Maximenko, whose family origins are in Kiev. He told me up until the Ukrainianization period (late 19 twenties/early thirties) his family name was Maximenkov and that his family’s roots were Russian. For me, Russians and Ukrainians can often be considered one with different regional characteristics. It depends on how the given individual feels. Some people with last names like Popov (considered more Russian sounding) say they’re Ukrainian while some others with names like Ivanenko (considered more Ukrainian) say they’re Russian.

    Averko is likely derived from a ROC saint by the name of Averky.

  • Averko is a Ukrainian first name, a diminutive for ???????.

    ???????? ??????? ?????? ? ???????????? ?????????, ?????? ?????? ??? ?????. “?????? ??? ??????! — ?????????? ???, ????? ???????? ???? ? ?????:– ??????? ??? ????, ???????!” ?????? ?????????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?, ????? ?? ??????, ????? ??? ???? ??????????? ?????, ?????? ?????????: “??!”.

  • regarding my prior comments: there’s also Averkovich as a last name derivative.

    Averko can hypothetically be a first or last name. It isn’t exclusively Russian or Ukrainian. Then again, like I said, one can be both. Tack on Belarusian to this matter as well.

  • db

    Let me guess, you’re a sock puppet for some moron, who chooses not to reveal himself/herself.

    You’d that one coming to you and then some, given your petty antics here and abroad. FYI, fluency in a language doesn’t mean knowledge of the history, culture and politics of the country in question.

    Averko can be a first or last name like Paul or John.

  • Keep yer wig on, Mike, I’m only asking you a simple question: do you actually speak Russian?

  • Don’t wear one. Your question is phony like your posts made abroad and here.

    How many fluent English Americans know little about American history and politics?

    You’ve yet to display a superior knowledge over yours truly on issues like Russia’s history and politics.

    Instead, choosing to play gotcha by looking up basic source material and then throwing it at me.

    You’ve been slammed.

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