After an overlong hiatus, it’s time to get back to publishing my weekly roundup of the best posts of the week from around the Russia blogs. No need for long introductions – here’s the best of the past seven days:
- How to Rig an Election – The Power Vertical considers a video doing the rounds in which an election official explains how she fixed the vote in December’s Duma election.
- Putinania considers Dokku Umarov’s latest video message, concluding that he may be losing influence within the Caucasus Emirate.
- A fun roundup of Russian medical tv series. Hugh Laurie has much to answer for.
- James Brook of VOA talks about Russia’s Generation Gap. “Аста Ла Виста, беби” indeed.
- Mark Adomanis suggests some lessons for Russia from the Orange Revolution.
- Always worth a read – Patrick Armstrong’s Russian Federation Weekly Sitrep.
- Russian Military Reform explains why Russia is so interested in Syria.
- Apparently, Russia has 5 million Twitter users and 1.4 million Google+ users. Which reminds me – here’s my twitter profile, and here’s my Google+ profile.
- Fascinating two part lesson on historical Russian names for the months of the year.
- Don’t forget that The Ivanov Report has moved to a new home – His latest article points out that Zhirinovsky is looking old, and the LDPR probably can’t survive without him.
- The Streetwise Professor ponders the Kafka-esque absurdity of prosecuting “Sergei Magnitsky. Who is dead.”
OK, that’s it for this edition of This Week in Russia Blogs. I’m off to watch Russia play Portugal in the Rugby European Nations Cup. Watch out for a match report here next week. Until then, I’ll leave you with a video of Sean, of Seans Russia Blog fame, discussing Voina, protest art and visual parody, and the Russian protests over on Al-Jazeera.