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Blog > Aeroflot Virtual

Aeroflot Virtual

Aeroflot Virtual is a Flight Simulator airline that mimics the real world Aeroflot.

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Occasionally when browsing the web I discover something that just blows my mind.  Aeroflot Virtual is one of these somethings.

Basically (and someone please correct me if I’m getting this wrong), it’s a group of Microsoft Flight Simulator fans who decide to set up and run their own virtual airlines.  In this case, Virtual Aeroflot duplicates the real world Aeroflot schedules.

These simulations are incredibly detailed – they don’t just include people running the main virtual Aeroflot airline – they also include virtual versions of Aeroflot Nord, Aeroflot Don, Aeroflot Cargo and Aeroflot Plus. People fly an Aeroflot route exactly as they would a real route, with pre-flight briefings, the works.

In writing this, I’ve also discovered that there is a Virtual Transaero as well! With it’s own cool video:

There’s a Virtual Airlines FAQ here, which gives a bit more detail. It looks as though a lot of people put a huge amount of effort into developing these airlines, but I’m still pretty baffled as to how it all works. Has anyone been involved with a virtual airline before – care to give us some more information?

(PS – before anyone from a virtual airline complains – I’m not knocking this as an odd hobby, I’m just confused. Heaven knows, I’m not exactly normal – my hobby is writing blog posts about Russia!)

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