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Russia Guide > Russian Consulate Chicago

Russian Consulate Chicago

Information about the Russian Consulate Chicago

Russian invasion of Ukraine

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Oddly, for one of America’s major cities, there is not a Russian Consulate in Chicago. There are five consulates covering the United States, and instead of founding a Russian Consulate Chicago, the Russian Consulate in Washington DC (which is attached to the Russian Embassy in Washington DC) has overall responsibility for consular affairs in Chicago and Illinois, as well as most of the Eastern United States.

The full address of the Russian Consulate Washington DC is:

The Consular Division of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Washington DC
2641 Tunlaw Road, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20007
Tel: (202) 939 8913
Fax: (202) 483 7579

The consulate doesn’t have its own webpage, but information can be obtained by visiting the main Russian embassy website, which has a great deal of information about Russia generally, the embassy’s activities, and on Russian-US relations:

Apply for a Russian Visa in Chicago


The Russian Consulate in Washington DC offers all the standard consular services to citizens of Chicago, and is the main location for applying for Russian Visas – particularly for a Russian Business Visa and for a Russian Tourist Visa. The Consulate can also assist with paperwork relating to Russian Homestays, Russian Adoption and with official documentation needed to do business in Russia.

Applying for a visa can be a testing experience, so we recommend making use of a specialist Russian Visa service, such as Visa HQ. You can find out if you need a Russian Visa by using the Visa HQ tool on this page.

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