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Russia Guide > Aeroflot Booking

Aeroflot Booking

Complete guide to booking a flight with Aeroflot – whether you want to book online, with Aeroflot direct, or with your local travel agent

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It has never been so easy to book Aeroflot fights. You can book flights direct from Aeroflot, via an online agency such as Expedia or Orbitz, or you can book flights via your local travel agent.

Back in the old days of the Soviet Union, you needed all kinds of information to book flights to Russia with Aeroflot – not so much because it was difficult to get a ticket, but because it was difficult to get permission to enter the Soviet Union – all kinds of visas and permissions were needed.

Today, though, Russia is a (relatively) easy country to get to, and Aeroflot Russian airlines operates just like any other international airline. You can get direct aeroflot flights from major US cities like New York, Washington and LA, and from major European cities like London, Paris and Amsterdam to Moscow, and often to St Petersburg and other cities. Aeroflot also flies to Asian cities such as Tokyo and Beijing, plus the capital cities of many other post-Soviet states.

This article gives you a brief rundown of how to book a flight with Aeroflot airlines.

The first option is to book direct with Aeroflot, who have a robust and reliable web presence. Booking a flight at Aeroflot is a straightforward five step process which begins with searching for flight availability on your preferred dates of travel, moves on to confirming the exact flights you would like, and then reserving and paying for the ticket.

The second option is to book with a company like Expedia, or Orbitz. You’ll probably be familiar with these providers, so I won’t go into too much detail. Suffice it to say that they have access to the full range of Aeroflot flights, both international and domestic. The advantage of booking with an online retailer is that you can book longer itineraries more easily – for example, if you want to fly one leg of your journey with Aeroflot and another with a different airline. Some may also feel safer booking with a name that they know and trust.

The third main option is to book via your local travel agent. They will have the expertise to give you personalised advice about the options available to you, and will be able to take the time to talk things through with you. However, this is likely to be the most expensive option, because of their increased overheads.

Before you fly, you might want to check out our guide to Aeroflot baggage rules, and, if you are a frequent flier, our guide to the Aeroflot bonus programme.

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