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Russia Guide > Ukrainian Embassy in USA

Ukrainian Embassy in USA

Information about the Ukrainian Embassy in USA, including address. Also Ukrainian Consulate info.

Russian invasion of Ukraine

Siberian Light opposes the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here to donate to the Red Cross Ukraine appeal.

The Ukraine embassy in USA is located in Washington DC. This post provides information about the embassy, it’s address, telephone number and website address. It also provides information about the Ukrainian consulate offices in the USA, of which there are three.

Ukraine Embassy in USA

The Ukrainian Embassy is located at this address:

3350 M Street NW
Washington DC 20007
Tel: 1 202 333 0606
Fax: 1 202 333 0817

At the embassy you can access all standard embassy services, as well as apply for a Ukraine visa should you need one to travel to Ukraine (note – you do not need a Ukrainian tourist visa, or a Ukrainian business visa, if your stay is under 90 days. If you are visiting for more than 90 days, however, you will need a Ukrainian visa.

Ukrainian Consulate

There are Ukrainian consulates in three US cities – New York, Chicago, and San Francisco.

Each of these consulates can help you with information about Ukraine, visas, passport applications. They also support Ukrainian cultural understanding in their host cities.

Ukrainian Consulate New York

240 East 49 St
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212 371 5690 (Mon – Fri only)
Fax: 212 371 5547

The Ukrainian New York consulate is open every weekday morning, from 9am to 1pm.

Ukrainian Consulate Chicago

10 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611
Tel: 312 642 4388
Fax: 312 642 4385

Ukrainian Consulate San Francisco

530 Bush Street, Suite 402
San Francisco, CA 94108-3623
Tel: 415 398 0240
Fax: 415 398 5039

Basic information about Ukraine

Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It was formerly part of the Soviet Union, but gained its independence when the USSR collapsed in 1991. Ukraine is the largest country whose territory is entirely in Europe (Russia is larger, but most of its territory is in Asia), and has a population of 49 million. It is, by European standards, a relatively poor country, with a GDP of $127 billion in 2010 – that works out at approximately $2,795 per capita.

Ukraine’s capital city is Kiev (also sometimes spelled Kyiv), which is today an increasing popular travel destination – helped by Ukraine’s decision to allow visa free travel for US citizens, as well as citizens from most of Europe. The Crimea, in the south of Ukraine is located on the Black Sea, and also proves a popular tourist destination. Other Ukrainian holiday options include Ukrainian River Cruises along the Dnieper River.

Politically, Ukraine has struggled to assert its independence from Russia. The Orange Revolution of 2004 which led to the election of western leaning Viktor Yushchenko was followed in 2010 by the election of Viktor Yanukovych, who is thought to be more eastern leaning, and in favour of more stable relations with Russia.

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