This page contains a forecast of the weather in Novosibirsk today, and a long range forecast of Novosibirsk weather.
Novosibirsk Climate
The Siberian city of Novosibirsk is in the middle of the West Siberian Plain, just north of the Ukok Plateau. Sited on a river, this means that Novosibirsk has a humid continental climate. Summers in the city are warm and humid, and the winters are usually very cold.
The average temperature in Novosibirsk across the full year is a mere 2.4 degrees centigrade. In July, the average reaches just over 20.2°C, but the average for December hits -20.1°C, which balances the average yearly temperature. The temperate can hit as low as -40°C during the winter, although this is towards the extreme.
Summers are usually sunny, although interspersed with rain, which can be heavy. The weather is just about warm enough to permit swimming in the River Ob during the late summer. In the winter, snow is common in Novosibirsk – in fact, snow falls almost every other day during the winter, on average. This snowfall causes problems in the springtime – much the same as in other Russian cities – when the snow melts, turning streets into a muddy brown slush.
The Novosibirsk weather combination of fairly warm summers, and snowy winters makes Novosibirsk an ideal tourist destination in many parts of the year. It can be beautiful both in summer and winter.