Back in January last year (oh, it seems so long ago) I was a masters student, with time on my hands, and no responsibility other than to study and learn. And, I thought, what better way to keep track of my thoughts and ideas than to start a blog?
Over the two years of blogging that followed I’ve made some great friends, engaged in some great debates, and learnt more than I ever thought possible. Under Putin, I’ve watched Russia slouch slowly back towards its authoritarian past, at the same time as other parts of the former Soviet Union have taken tentative steps towards their democratic futures. I’ve also been thrilled to watch the Russian and post-Soviet blogosphere grow in leaps and bounds to become a thriving and outspoken community.
Today, though, I’ve got a real job and, with all the other things I have to do in life, evenings and weekends just aren’t long enough any more. Certainly not long enough to keep blogging regularly at a standard high enough to give me satisfaction. I really don’t want to write substandard, tired posts just for the sake of keeping this blog updated day after day, and I’m even more certain that you don’t want to read them. So, I’ve very reluctantly decided that the time has come for to take take a bow.
The site will stay up for a fair while yet – I don’t want to lose my email address, for one thing – and you’ll no doubt catch me around the blogosphere from time to time, reading, commenting, and even – if they’ll have me – writing the occasional guest post on other blogs. If regular blog commentary on Russia is what you are looking for though, I can’t recommend highly enough the many quality blogs listed on the sidebar.
Finally, before I go, I have to say thank you so much to everyone who read over the past two years, and especially to everyone who commented on the site, and pushed me to justify – and often revise – my opinions. You’ve been wonderful, and I’ve had a blast.
You’re killing me Andy. KILLING ME! Whatever happened to our ill-conceived adventure into the dark depths of Belarus? You can’t just, you know, get a job like that.
???! ??? ??? ???! ??? ?? ??????!
Dammit Andy, you’ll be missed, believe me.
Well, I do understand. I hope, at the very least, that you enjoy your job. Because, you know, if it ever starts to bug you, blogging on the clock is a wonderful way to achieve some sort of justice.
It will be a shame to see you go. Imagine, just as I was starting to get into blogging and a little after I added you to my blogroll, you stop! I had been enjoying reading your posts.
Good luck,
Say it ain’t so, Andy! SiberianLight will definitely be missed. Not to get all sentimental, but I remember that when I started blogging, SiberianLight was both a model for me of what a blog should be and one of the first sites to notice my on-line presence. Hard to believe it’s been over a year. Thanks for the memories.
I can relate, though – it is hard to fit a real job, blogging, off-line life, and a regular sleep schedule into the 24 hours we’re allotted each day. On the other hand, I’ve actually found it harder to fit in blogging now that I’m a student again. Go figure. Best of luck in your job, and you’re welcome to guest-post on “Scraps” any time you feel like it, assuming you don’t find the Blogger platform beneath you…
Funny, I had more time for blogging when I had a job and less time now that I am a student.
I think that this was the nature of my job though…
Stopped by but didn’t expect to see this!
I have enjoyed Siberian Light for so long. It is sad to hear this news. I hope you keep in touch. I would appreciate that very much. What a cool blog this is. I am going to miss it.
You will be missed, Andy, at least but me.
I understand your reasons, and of course it’s a choice of yours… but let’s say I’m sad about it, yours was a great blog!
Good luck with your life 🙂
Dear Andy, I posted a goodbye to you in our weblog. Thank you for your great postings, I shall really miss them! It is very sad that you stop writing, sad also you did not find other contributors and very good of you to leave us your site for a while, because your collection on the blogroll is fantastic!
Best of luck!
Are you sure? I tried to quit once. The readers wouldn’t let me.
Andy, here’s my advice: go for a compromise. Don’t stop blogging but switch the subject. Write about things related to your work, for one The first months tend to be quite exciting.
the web is losing a great blogger methinks
Please someone tell me what does “poka” mean?
Or poka poka (in russian)
While I just lurked here, let me just add a belated congratulations on the job and lament that the blog is no more.
While my Russian is rudimentary, in this context I would say that “poka” means essentially “for the time being” or “for now”. I am sure someone will correct me if I am way off base.
Eugen & Mike – “Poka” means “Bye” in Russian. An informal way of saying “Do svidaniya”.
About siberianlight – A lovely blog I just discovered via Google. Tis quite a shame to see it has closed down. Best of luck to you and your future endeavours.